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30 Jul 2014

2014 check list


After a morning of total procrastination and realising how close to August we are I've had a little panic and think I may have wasted most of the year. Don't get me wrong I have done some of the things I've wanted. I've done lots of exciting courses with work and of course started my blog but there's a lot more that I planned to have done by now that I haven't even scratched the surface of. I'm hoping that if I write all my plans down and share them with you then I'll be more likely to follow through with them. Consider this my 2014 check list and I'll let you know when I've ticked each one off and how I found it.

1. Pass my driving test. This is something I have been working towards for a long time and it's not that I've not been trying. I am currently on my third driving instructor, 4th test and have had more lessons that I can count but I finally feel like I'm on the right track. I've just bought myself a little car and think that getting out and about for lots of practise is helping. I think that if I didn't have to do a test I'd be totally fine but sadly nerves seem to get the better of me. I'm determined with this one though, 4th times a charm....or something like that.

2. Learn the guitar. I've always wanted to play an instrument. I started learning a few things when I was younger but never really got past a squeaky rendition of hot crossed buns on the recorder and a grade one cello exam that I'm still not quite sure how I passed. Back at the start of the year I decided I really wanted to learn to play the guitar. My boyfriends really good and I thought it would be really cool if I could play a bit too. I've never made the effort to actually learn and want to at least be able to play a few chords before the end of the year, even if  I could just play a shaky version of Wonder wall I'd be really pleased with myself.

3.Learn to take good pictures. When I look back at my very first blog posts I can see an improvement in my photos but I would really like to learn some proper photography skills so I can help my blog to grow and look really snazzy.

4.Grow my blog. I'm pleased with how my blogs been going so far and I'm still really enjoying doing it but would really like to see it keep growing in the future. I'm going to have a look into making it look really great and possibly working with a web designer to help me with this. I'd also like to advertise it a bit more. I know the lovely sprinkle of glitter offers this and I've started reading lots of great blogs I've seen on there so think it would be a great way to get my blog out there a bit more.

5.Plan. Me and my boyfriend are the champions of making hypothetical plans and not following through with them. By the end of this year I want to make sure some of those plans are put into action.

Well there we go. I hope this didn't seem like a negative post. I just wanted give myself a little bit of a shake and get motivated. I'll make sure to let you know when I've worked through these and tell you how they all went. Thanks for reading.

Robyn xx

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