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7 Sept 2015

Solid shampoo and conditioner


I'd heard about the Shampoo and conditioner bars from lush lots of times before and it wasn't something I'd ever thought about trying. For whatever reason I decided to pick one up recently and so far have really been ejoying it. I have the Honey I washed my hair shampoo bar. I'd tried the honey I washed the kids soap before and it's probably my faveourite scent from Lush. It's like sweet, honey, oaty goodness, why wouldnt't I want that in my hair! The guy in the shop told me it would last 60 washes, which is amazing!
It feels like using a bar of soap on your hair, you simply lather it up in your hands and massage it into your hair. It feels sqeaky clean after which I didn't like at first but thats's where the conditioner comes in. I have the Jungle conditioner bar which is scumtiously fruity and fresh. You use this in exactly the same way except focusing it on the ends of the hair. These paired together make my hair feel amazing. I trust Lush as a brand too because they use good quality, natuarl, anaimal friendly products. I'm pleased that I can use there products in more ways now.
Let me know if you used either of these products before and what other lush products I should try.

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