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16 Dec 2016

12 days of Christmas day 3: Christmas traditions from my childhood

"On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me, three calling birds"
Welcome back to my 12 days of Christmas count down. Today I am taking a trip down memory lane and sharing some of the Christmas traditions we had when I was a little Christmas pudding. 

1. Going to the cinema on Christmas eve:

I'm not sure we did this one every year but I definitely remember a few festive cinema trips. One that stands out is going to see Elf which is still one of my favourite Christmas films. We'd go to the cinema in the evening and then when we got back it was nearly Christmas! I think I may plan a Christmas eve cinema trip for this year!

2. Pantomimes:

Who doesn't love a panto at Christmas! I haven't been to see one in years but I used to go to my local ones every year when I was younger and they were always so magical and really made you feel Christmassy! I was a brownie guide when I was little (shout out to 1st scotby brownies whoop whoop) and we always went on a trip to the panto before Christmas. They used to throw packets of jelly belly beans into the audience and then we would count all of the Christmas trees we could see on the way back home. I can't think of anything more festive!

3. Waking up VERY early: 

I know most children do this but I remember it so clearly. I probably didn't sleep much at all on Christmas eve when I was younger, even now as an adult I still find it difficult to sleep for the excitement. Me and my sister used to share a room and we would wake up at around 4 am and try and head to our mums room, we were obviously told to go back to bed for a bit so we used to sit on the top of our bunk beds opening our stockings and reading Christmas stories together. When we were allowed to go through to see my mum and dad we used to have to open our stocking again and pretend we didn't know what was in them! My little brother was always hard to wake up on Christmas morning so once we had him we'd all go downstairs and into the living room, once my mum had checked that Santa had been of course. We always had cats in my house and my mum would always say that the cats would of seen santa delivering the presents and I always thought that was really cool!

4. Stockings:

Little bit random but for quite a long time we used my dad's football socks as stockings, I never really questioned it and thought that was the norm. You can actually fit a lot of little nik-naks in a football sock! When I was very small we had two stockings! The football socks would go on the end of the bed and then we would have a little one hanging by the curtains full of chocolate lollies!

5. Boxing day party:

On boxing day we would always have a party with all our family. If we hadn't all eaten enough on Christmas we would eat even more. The year we got a karaoke machine for Christmas was hilarious, my Grandad's drunken rendition of Danny boy won't be forgotten!

So there we go! I hope you enjoyed this blast from the past. Comment and let me know any of your Christmas traditions and remember to head over to my youtube channel tomorrow for the 4th day of Christmas. 

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