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30 Dec 2016

New Years Resolutions: 2017

So 2016 has come to an end. I know this year hasn't been the best in a lot of ways but personally I have had a very good one. I've visited some amazing places and met lots of incredible people along the way and now I'm finishing the year in Aukland New Zealand with another year of adventures to follow.

 What better way to start a new year than with some new goals? I'm not gonna lie, last year I was terrible and hardly got through any of the goals I'd set myself but I'm not gonna dwell on that too much, I've still had a cracking year (I've been watching a lot of Gavin and Stacey lately and think I've picked up the lingo). I'm going to try much harder this year to make sure I do the things I've set out to and have thought of 5 main goals for 2017 to make sure it's a good one. 

1. Explore as much of New Zealand as possible:

While we were in Australia we travelled around a little bit and did manage to see some amazing places but that country is so big it's almost a little bit intimidating and trying to see it all seemed like an impossible task. New Zealand seems a little more do-able and I really hope to be able to explore both Islands this year. We are currently in the North Island and have managed to do a few little road trips so far. I'm hoping in the new year we will be able to go a little further and then work our way down to the south island later in the year. From what I've seen so far New Zealand is incredibly  beautiful and I can't wait to see more. 

2. Do an obstacle race:

A couple of years ago I set out to do the same thing at home and ended up doing Total Warrior. I ended up doing it by myself and being pretty slow to get over the finish line. I still really enjoyed it and was really proud of myself for getting through it but would love to do another with a group and hopefully do it a bit faster. This means I will also be working on getting a bit fitter as I have let myself go since my last Fitness Friday post.

3. Visit a South Pacific Island:

This has been on my radar for a while now. Why wouldn't I want to go and hang out in paradise for a week. Ideally I'd love to go to all of them but due to the fact I am not super wealthy I will settle for one. Every person I have met from the South Pacific so far has been really friendly and I would love to go and experience that culture. 

4. Spend more time in the water:

I'm ashamed to say it but in a whole year in Australia I went in the sea a grand total of once! The sea usually makes me squirm, I hate sea weed touching my feet and standing on rocks and shells just hurts. Throw in the threat of killer jelly fish and shark attacks and it loses all of it's appeal! I have already been for a paddle in the sea here and it was much nicer. I did't feel any sea weed touching me and the water was really clear, plus I'm told that shark attacks here are very rare! I am definitely planning on swimming in the sea more plus I really want to have a go at surfing, paddle boarding and kayaking. I've always loved water sports when I've done them before and can't wait to spend more time doing them in the beautiful New Zealand sea. 

5. Read and watch LOTR and visit the sets:

This one is mostly for my Lord of the Rings loving boyfriend. He's a bit of a super fan and has recently got a tattoo showing his dedication. I have seen all of the films before but was quite young when they came out and found them really hard to follow after they left the shire. However I loved the Hobbit films and the book so now I want to give the LOTR  another go. They filmed everything here in New Zealand so it would be amazing to go and see all of the sets and locations. Even if you're not a massive fan of the films there's no denying that they're stunning! The shire and Rivendell are definitely what I'm most looking forward to. 

So there we have it. I will definitely be documenting my year on here and on my youtube channel so make sure you're following along to see if I keep my word. I know that these are more goals for the year rather than resolutions but I don't believe in those so much. Let me know any goals and resolutions you have for this year. 

Have an amazing New Years, let's make 2017 a great one! 

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